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2019 May Most Valuable Realtor | CBH Homes

Put your hands together for our 2019 May Most Valuable Realtor!

A couple of things we love at CBH are: That new home smell, helping families find their dream homes and our outside realtors. Our list could go on forever, but we REALLY want to emphasize the fact that we LOVE our outside realtors so much our hearts could explode!

Every month we pick the MVP, or in our case MVR, (Most Valuable Realtor). Check out our 2019 May Most Valuable Realtor below….

2019 May Most Valuable Realtor

 Marla Berger
with Silvercreek Realty

Lets get to know Will and why we LOVE her: 

How long have you been selling real estate? Idaho 16 years

What’s your #1 tip to buying a new home? You are in love with it the minute you walk in..dont talk yourself into it..

What do you love about CBH?  I love working with Their agents for sure..Love everything they stand for, Love that I can call Corey if I need to, they always take good care of me and my clients..

What do you love about real estate? I love people and looking at homes so its great for me..
Favorite area in the Treasure Valley? Meridian..I moved here 25 years ago and I love it..I love that we still have a farm town feeling and the mountains close..

What is on your bucket list? I have a pretty good life not sure I’ve made one of those yet..Maybe some day when I’m old, like 95..

Do you have a secret talent?!!

Thanks to Realtors like Marla, we’re able to continue to grow and build dreams. We couldn’t have done it without them. A big giant thank you from the CBH Crew!

A few words from one of Will’s biggest fans:


We’ll never forget Marla, our 2019 May Most Valuable Realtor &

A BIG Thank you to every one who closed a home in May:


Check out our previous MVR’s HERE!