Love Wins Realtor Promo – Are You on the List?
If you’re a realtor, you’ve most likely heard about the LOVE WINS Realtor Promo hosted by us, CBH Homes! You’ve also probably clicked this to see who’s on the list…. Well are you?? See below!
Not on the list yet? Find a dream home for your client’s here.
Matt Clark
Tracy Kasper
Stan Tonkin x2
Brianne Thompson
Vicky Haban
Jesse Walz
Nick Cracolice
Michael Pickren
Blake Geritz
Mike Edgar x2 (& The Top CBH Realtor of the Year!!)
Greg Ferrera
Shawn Endicott
Robert Renteria
Kory McCain
Katie Crawford
Bryan Greer
Gerri Kelley
Jeff Miller
Katie Puaauli x2
Rory Patterson
Matthew Le Baron
James Feehan
Monica Braun
Lisa Gregerson
John Crandlemire
Eva Hoopes
Jordan Grubbs
Amanda Pattee
Tracy Conklin
Juan Esparza
Kassy Lampman
Ana McNeil
Lonnie McDonough
Rick Gehrke
Scott Dykstra
Kerrylyn Miller
Siera Flores
Joshua Daniels
Karin Schick
Argentina Pena
Doug Lampman
Jayson Dunkley
Jake Conklin
Alexandria Goeckner
Jon Hardman
Silvia Lopez
Bob Larison
AND MORE (not pictured)!!
Jeanie Rae
Jeff Petredes
Kevin Murphy
Jamie Cilley
Ashley Feehan
Realtors, we LOVE YOU! We can’t wait to see you in your love wins key necklaces.
Keep selling and helping us BUILD THE DREAM! See the available homes list here.