Easter Coloring Bonanza
Grab your kiddos and hop on down, CBH Homes is hosting it’s 2nd annual Easter Coloring Bananza!
What does this enTAIL? Visit one of our 5 Sales Centers between April 1st and 14th, grab some bunny glasses and join the coloring contest for a chance to enter and WIN a Lego house!
Option 1: Come into a Sales Center or CBH Main Office, pick up the coloring page, use our coloring utensils and enjoy free bunny ear glasses on us!
Option 2: Download and print at home, color, and enjoy!
Here’s how to enter:
- Take a photo of the art
- Post it on Facebook.com/CBHHomes using #CBHFun
- You’ll be entered to win a Lego house you can build on your own!
- Check back and tell all your friends to go and vote the week of April 15th!
Wondering where our Sales Centers are?
South Ada – Golden Grove – On the corner of Amity & Eagle
Directions to South Ada HERE
Serving the Boise & Meridian Areas!
North Ada– Irvine Meadows – On the corner of Ten Mile & Chinden
Directions to North Ada HERE
Serving Boise, Meridian, Eagle, AND Star
Kuna – Memory Ranch – Off Ten Mile & Lake Hazel
Directions to the Kuna HERE
Serving all of Kuna!
North Canyon – Fall Creek – Madison Ave & Ustick
Directions to North Canyon HERE
Serving the North Nampa & Caldwell areas
South Canyon – Peregrine Estates – Karcher & Lake Ave.
Directions to South Canyon HERE
Serving the South Nampa & Caldwell areas

*By posting your photo using #CBHFun on social media, you give CBH Homes permissions to reuse on CBH Homes’ social platforms, website, and e-blasts. Bunny ears while supplies last. Only one winner per age group! Marketing by CBH Sales & Marketing Inc. RCE-923