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>DIY solutions with stuff you already have

>DIY solutions with stuff you already have

Alltop, an amazing website created by Guy Kawasaki (author of Enchantment), is an great source of information on pretty much any topic you can think of.
We recently ran across this article on problem solving using items around your house with little or no hassle.
You must head over right now and check out the infographic to see how the following items can solve everyday problems:
  1. Toothpaste
  2. Rubber Bands
  3. Nail Polish
  4. Tape
  5. Dryer Sheets
  6. Hair Dryer
  7. Hand Lotion
  8. Cornstarch
  9. Petroleum Jelly
  10. Coffee Filters
Something missing? Leave a comment and let us know what your favorite DIY tricks around the house are!