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Announcing a Ground Breaking Partnership with Camp Rainbow Gold

CBH Homes, the largest home builder in Idaho, has announced a groundbreaking partnership with Camp Rainbow Gold, a local non-profit organization. We are going to construct six cabins in just three days for Hidden Paradise, Idaho’s first-ever medical camp and WE NEED YOU!

Camp Rainbow Gold (CRG) started 41 years ago—because a 10-year-old boy was told no, he had cancer and could not attend regular summer camp. The camps were not equipped to handle kids needing special attention. Fast forward all these years later, and CRG now serves 400 Idaho children and their families battling pediatric cancer. But all that growth hasn’t come without challenges. The Non-Profit has outgrown all options in the state (turning away 50-60 children and families each year), and there are no facilities in Idaho designed for a child (or an adult or veteran) in a wheelchair or with other physical or medical challenges.

“CBH has been supporting Camp Rainbow Gold for 20 years, and when the call came in, we had to say yes,” said Ronda Conger, Vice President of CBH Homes. “Hidden Paradise is a beacon of hope for so many families in Idaho, and we are honored to contribute our expertise and resources to help make it a reality. To construct six cabins in just three days is going to take the entire CBH village, but we know that this amazing community will jump in and be ready to help to make these kids’ lives better.”

Hidden Paradise will serve as home for Camp Rainbow Gold and so many other non-profit organizations, offering a wide range of programs and activities designed to foster healing, growth, and connection. The camp’s facilities will include nearly 20 remodeled buildings, a medical center, an outdoor amphitheater, and the newly constructed ADA cabins, all designed to be accessible and adaptive to the needs of all campers.

CBH Homes has been building dreams for Idahoans for over 31 years, and for 19 of those, named Idaho’s #1 Builder. CBH Homes is also an Idaho Best Place to Work, now ranked #48 in the nation and proudly working with over 25,000 happy homeowners. New homes available now in Boise, Idaho and surrounding areas. Start shopping today, click here!